July 26, 2020
I recently completed a migration from my old docker-machine-based infrastructure (so 2016!) to Digital Ocean’s hosted kubernetes service.
The bulk of the work was completed in a single evening. It went almost seamlessly, but not so seamlessly that I wasn’t able to learn a few things.
The goal of this writeup is not to serve as comprehensive documentation, but hopefully you’ll take away some ideas about how to get your
own setup rolling.
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December 17, 2018
Although traditional algol-inspired languages remain dominant, over the past
decade or so, functional programming techniques utilizing
immutable data structures have seen widespread adoption in a variety of
domains. From React and friends on the frontend to Map-Reduce and the
vast ecosystem of thus-inspired data warehousing systems that power some of
the world’s largest software applications, the ability to navigate
such applications is now a must-have skill for many programmers.
The subject of today’s article is a higher-order function called reduce
also known as fold
, aggregate
, and others. Reduce is a fundamentally
useful tool, but I find that many developers have trouble grasping and
using it. My hope here is to make an approachable introduction to reduce
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May 23, 2018
I don’t know about you, but every so often my Steam Inventory gets a bit out of control.
I have no use for Don’t Starve trading cards, but it’s not really worth my time to individually
sell each item for a few cents. However, what is worth my time, apparently, is creating a
script to do it for me. This turned out to be quite a winding road, which I’ve documented here.
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February 18, 2018
If you’re like me (that is, employed by an ad tech company), stream processing is usually
associated with frameworks like Storm,
Flink, Spark Streaming, and other such solutions. However, a
lot of real-life software can be described as stream processing – data comes
in one end, is transformed or aggregated, and goes somewhere else. Many of these
workloads don’t justify the overhead of a stream processor, but that doesn’t mean
they can’t benefit from some of the lessons of stream processing systems.
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December 19, 2017
For the past 5 years, I’ve run a website called
Later for Reddit. For the past 2 years, it’s actually
been making money. Here’s how that happened.
I used to spend a lot of time on Reddit (insert Mitch Hedberg joke here).
I also used to spend a lot...
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September 16, 2017
Ok, ok, monads have been done. They’ve even
been done by me before.
But, functional programming is still popular, monads are still very useful for programming
in an FP style, and people are entering the field every day. So here’s another attempt at
an approachable introduction to usefully apply this pattern to everyday coding problems.
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September 3, 2017
You, a web developer, have probably heard of Typescript, may have heard of Elm, and
you might even have heard of Bucklescript/ReasonML as well. Each of these
represents a compiles-to-javascript language with strong type support, but each has some different opinions,
philosophies, and features.
In this article I’ll walk you through the features of each of these options and compare their build ecosystems,
editor tooling, and javascript interop. In addition, as is my habit, I’ve written up a small example in each of these languages. (Well, actually,
I’ve taken one of Elm’s small demos and re-created it in the other two). I’ll discuss my impressions
of the tooling and the coding experience along the way.
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August 28, 2017
Ocaml is a rad language with some regrettably underdocumented parts. Or, perhaps, overdocumented –
since OCaml attracts people who are interested in rigorous correctness, what documentation exists tends to be rigorous
and correct, and also tedious. This guide will be none of those. Let’s go!
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August 13, 2017
I spend most of my time on this blog talking about Clojure, but IRL I work on
a lot of projects written in a lot of languages. Lately, much of my time has been spent writing and maintaining
React-based frontends in Javascript.
As far as I can tell, no language has solved the problem of dependency management. Some
libraries are better than others, but upgrading dependencies is always an uncomfortable
experience. That being said, I’ve never experienced more pain doing so than in Javascript’s ecosystem.
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August 6, 2017
Clojure.spec is, among other things, Clojure’s official answer to tools like Typed Clojure and
Plumatic’s Schema. It represents an attempt to apply some validation to
data and functions, without compromising Clojure’s dynamism and data-is-data philosophy.
In this post, I’ll be working through a sample program by first outlining and modelling
it with the help of clojure.spec, then using spec to guide me while I develop the implementation.
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March 23, 2017
I occasionally find someone asking this question in my inbox. I’ve learned
that for every person that bothers there are a bunch more with the same question,
so I thought I’d take a break from relentlessly plugging my side hustle
Later for Reddit to answer it publicly.
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November 4, 2016
I’m perfectly comfortable making wild assertions about which
programming technique is better than which other one, but
when it comes to handing out general life or career advice, I’m a lot stingier
than your average blogger 1. Even if I was wildly...
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August 23, 2016
Riemann is a general-purpose event processing system, but its most typical application
is as a place to send and generate metrics about applications. I recently set up a Riemann
server for my personal projects, and I feel like my devops game is stepped up by 1000%.
Or, at very least, I feel like I know know about it as soon as one of my sites goes down.
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April 15, 2016
Every well-behaved clojure source file starts with a namespace declaration.
The ns
macro, as we all know, is responsible for declaring the namespace
to which the definitions in the rest of the file belong, and generally also
includes some requirements and imports and whatnot. But today (at
Clojure/West, shoutout!) Stuart Sierra made a passing reference to
the internals of ns
during his talk that got me interested.
But what is a namespace really?
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March 29, 2016
Readability.org is a handy tool, but it also suffers from being useful, popular and free –
the service is (understandably) often down, or slow.
If you’re a heavy Readability user, it might interest you to know that there exist many
software libraries...
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March 27, 2016
I am the primary maintainer of a significant REST API written using Flask-Restful.
Flask-Restful is a pretty full-featured library for creating REST frameworks with Flask.
It features everything you need to manage routing to class-based resources, a library
for marshalling objects to JSON format, and reqparse, an argparse-inspired library
for writing input parsers.
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March 26, 2016
I’m a big fan of accessible technologies. I get suspicious whenever I encounter
a framework or library that is “not worth it for a small project,” because that
is a coded statement that means either “It has a broad scope of features that
a small project won’t take advantage of,” or “it trades off simplicity or
user experience for performance or other reasons.” Accessibility also helps
open-source projects move from obscure to ubiquitous; if jQuery had required a
command-line tool to compile it when it came out, I can practically guarantee you wouldn’t
have ever heard about it.
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March 19, 2016
I started my career as a “web developer” circa 2007. I’d dabbled before
with Javascript while making sites in HTML/CSS as early as middle school,
but that was my first real job as a real software developer. Back
in those days, LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) was about the only sensible way to
build a web application. You could use Java servlets, of course,
or build applications using CGI, but once PHP was stable and available
and straightforward, and it quickly became the obvious choice for a huge
range of applications.
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February 28, 2016
It is generally recommended, if you’re developing an application
that uses a database, that you manage changes to the schema of said
database using some sort of migration system or another. Luckily,
several intrepid developers in the clojure community have stepped
up with their own solutions to this problem – all of which end up
being very similar indeed. Read on for an overview of your options
and to find out which one is right for you.
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February 20, 2016
This week I added a better graph to Later (for Reddit)’s
post timing analysis page. Previously,
the most common time and the most common day were plotted on separate bar charts.
However, I noticed that I got called out on this in this article on Medium,
which offered a pretty sensible alternative that I wasted no time in ripping off
wholesale. I still
have the bar graphs in, but I also added a 7x24 color-coded grid plot, allowing for a more
accurate view of exactly when the most popular posts were posted.
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